Thursday, December 9, 2010

Now in the Community Theater!

Just a quick update to let everyone who stumbles across this blog know that a new video version of HomeCast will debut the week of December 9 in the Home Community Theater. Stop in and check out the new show, and look for the audio podcasts every Saturday on

Many, many thanks to Narde15 and especially Homeboy79 for their support and help in making this happen! See you in Home!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A New Home for HomeCast

HomeCast gets a new home this week. Look for the weekly updates at, and be sure to check out all the other great shows that are part of their lineup, including the GamerIndepth podcast, Replay with Doc and HomeTalk with Mrs. Lochwood.

You'll still be able to enjoy HomeCast directly from your PS3's browser, and you'll still find all the reporting and commentary that you've come to enjoy.

As for this blog, this is pretty much the end of the line, but I will be leaving it up with the archive of older episodes, so that you can hear the horror of HomeCast's evolution from overproduced garble to something that you might want to listen to.

None of this would have happened without the tremendous support from the Home community and the fans, so I want to thank you for making this little podcast a part of your week. If you want to stay in touch, click that Twitter link on the right and Follow me.

See you in PlayStation Home, and on

Saturday, October 16, 2010

HomeCast for October 14, 2010

This week's HomeCast includes an update on the Fire Elemental bundle price, a look at the new Cauldron of the Sunless Kingdom active item and details on some PlayStation Home community events.

Download HomeCast (Right-click and Save As)

Since you're online, take a minute to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month and join the fight to end this disease. Just go to the Ford Warriors in Pink Facebook page and click the "Like" button. Ford will donate $1 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure for every Like they get this month, up to $100,000. Don't be discouraged by the number of likes already on that page; Ford started the month with more than 44,000 fans, so there's still a long way to go to hit the goal.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

HomeCast for October 7, 2010

Find out how to get some free stuff in the Home Theater, get ready for Halloween with new and returning items, and learn why the folks at Loot should lay off the early '90s sitcoms in this week's edition, brought to you with a minimum of server timeouts.

Download HomeCast (right-click and Save As).

If you feel motivated to do your part for breast cancer research and education, one of the best charities to choose is Susan G. Komen for the Cure. You can donate online or by text by following the link.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

HomeCast for September 30, 2010

The Scion tc Event comes to Central Plaza in PlayStation Home this week, plus you'll get tips on how to make your Dolphy race faster, some cool community events to check out and a complete wrapup of everything that's new in The Mall, including the mysterious Shandor fortune-telling machine.

Download HomeCast (right-click and Save As).

HomeCast comes to you in a higher-quality MP3 encode on this week, up from the old 96kbps to 160 kbps. That means it should sound better. Tell me what you think.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

HomeCast for September 23, 2010

Learn some of the secrets from the new Lakeside Luxury estate, find out what items got free updates and celebrate the launch of a community-inspired item in this week's edition.

Download HomeCast (right-click and Save As).

There are a few furniture and clothing items that just couldn't fit into five minutes this week. For female avatars, there's the Club Chic outfit, which is a complete avatar that cannot be modified. At 99 cents, it's a reasonable buy, and rumor has it that this avatar moves a little differently than the standard female avatar. If anyone can confirm this, please do.

There's also a lot more furniture available for the Lake House, including some cool abstract lamps, .99 for the floor model and .49 for the table model, and the stack of dice for .49 cents, which will add an extra casino kick to that Brimstone Poker room you've been building.

If you still need the Move controller avatar, want to buy the animated version or just haven't finished the game yet, meet me in the Move space tonight, September 25, between 8PM and 11PM Eastern Time. You won't find this space on the navigator, so if you'd like to come by, send a friend request to HearItWow from your Home PDA. I won't be able to send invites while the game is playing, so please be patient, and I'll get you in just as soon as I can.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

HomeCast for September 16, 2010

Think you missed your chance to get the animated Move controller costume? There's still a way to do it! Find out how, learn about the new Dragon's Green game and learn the latest information about the Dolphy Race in this week's episode.

Download HomeCast (right click and Save As).

Please note that my voice is absolute junk this week thanks to a fun late-summer cold, so the audio is a little more processed than usual.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

HomeCast for September 9, 2010

There's a lot to cover in this week's update, including new Sodium One items, the arrival of the Hudson Gate and Dolphy personal spaces and a free item that's hidden away in the Mall.

Download HomeCast (right click and Save As).

Congratulations go out this week to the entire Gamer Indepth staff for their new podcast in the Home Community Theater. Their well-produced video is a must-see and an extra bit of excellent in this week's update.

HomeCast for Septmber 2, 2010

Get in-depth tips for beating the Move event, advice on warping away Central Plaza pests and a look at the new Brimstone Poker Table in this week's edition.

Download HomeCast (right click and Save As).

One item that didn't make this week's HomeCast is the free Veemee Pool Coffee Table, which you will receive if you own or visit the London Pub. This is a smaller version of the Red Pool Table with a glass top, and it's very nice looking. It's also a portal to the store that lets you buy the full-size pool tables, so it will count against your Active Item limit. While I love the way this looks, it would be great to have a non-active version of it so that we can have the looks without losing a spot for an actual pool table.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

HomeCast for August 26, 2010

Sorry, ladies, but there's a lot of guy stuff in this week's HomeCast, but that's not my fault. Enjoy some liberating MUZAK as you learn about the new items for sale, the AlphabeTees and some new things that we'll be enjoying in the coming weeks.

Download HomeCast (right-click and Save As).

Saturday, August 21, 2010

HomeCast for August 19, 2010

There's a brand new microphone in use this week, a Shure SM58, to be specific, so the audio quality should be much, much better. Find out about all of this week's new releases, get tips for playing Gamescom Reel of Fortune and learn how you can win LittleBigPlanet 2, Gran Turismo 5 and tons of other cool PlayStation prizes from Subway!

Download HomeCast (right-click and Save As).

Saturday, August 14, 2010

HomeCast for August 12, 2010

More Star Wars in this week's podcast, plus a ton of new Active Items, your chance to meet a Top Gun screenwriter, and a Home at last for MAG's Valor team.

For reasons I don't know, part of my audio track got corrupted this week. The first 1:20 is right-channel only, then it settles down and behaves.

Download HomeCast (right-click and Save As).

Saturday, August 7, 2010

HomeCast for August 5, 2010

Sorry, Star Trek fans, but it's all about The Star Wars in this week's podcast, which features one of the rarer Meco Menardo disco Star Wars themes in the second half.

Learn about the new Star Wars space and content, as well as new LocoRoco Items, fun with fish tanks and Home events that you can take part in.

Download HomeCast (right-click and Save As).

Saturday, July 31, 2010

HomeCast for July 29, 2010

This week features another shopping trip, news on a Home space closing and my picks for the five best personal spaces you can buy.

Download HomeCast (right-click and Save As).

What do you think is the best personal space in Home? Leave a comment below.

Apologies if my voice is a bit off this week. Three days of broadcasting and a bumper crop of ragweed will have that effect.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

HomeCast for July 22 and a Doctor Who Review

This week's HomeCast includes an update on what you will--and won't--find at The Mall, a recap of new game announcements and tips for new users on expressing yourself through typing.

Download HomeCast and listen at your leisure. (Right-click and "Save As.")

Music Players and Doctor Who
I discovered that the very basic player I'm using lacks a volume control and doesn't work on the PS3. I'm looking for something SIMPLE that will add these features. Tdarb was kind enough to suggest a Yahoo player, but the documentation scares me. Got a suggestion? Leave it in the Comments.

And with apologies to Home Community Specialist Locust_Star, I couldn't fit my Doctor Who commentary into this week's HomeCast, so I've decided to post it here. This contains very minor spoilers for the last epsiode, so don't read it until you've watched. You've been warned.

Spoliers down here. I'm not kidding.

Look, you've waited this long to watch it. Don't spoil it now.

Final warning.

Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat's decision to have The Doctor save himself from The Pandorica is a deus ex machina that doesn't sit well with some viewers, but it caps off a bold first season in which Moffat showed just how well he understands the mechanics of television.

For several weeks now, the idea has been building that every episode of Matt Smith's first outing as The Doctor has been connected; now we see that this was all part of Moffat's brilliant design.

When The Eleventh Hour debuted back in April, it was impossible to avoid comparisons between Smith's Doctor and David Tennant's. For many fans of the new series, Tenant is and will continue to be The Doctor, leaving Smith with a very difficult act to follow.

Every aspect of the first few episodes has been dissected, from the theme to the camera angles to the new iDaleks. Such short-term criticism can get in the way of long-term appreciation, and this is where Moffat's first season reveals its genius.

By taking us back to that first night when Amelia Pond met The Doctor, and by letting us know that there are telling details spread across the entire season, Moffat has invited us to go back and look again, not with a critical eye, but with an eye toward enjoying one of the more complex story arcs of the new Who series. Now that we know Smith's Doctor, we can see his character unfold across the season, bringing a new appreciation for those episodes that may have been lost in the early, post-Tennant and Russel T. Davies days.

Just as The Doctor saves himself from the trap laid by his most fearsome enemies, Moffat saves us, the audience, from the prison of our own expectations.

There have been some bumps along the way. The early episodes lack the drama and action that Davies and Tennant brought to the series, and the intimate camera angles that Davies favored certainly fit the pace and style of the show better than the wide, sometimes vacant shots that Moffat prefers.

Despite these flawas, the transition from one Doctor to the next has never been handled so well. Episodes like Vincent and The Doctor are instant classics, and Moffat and Smith have proven that they are the rightful heirs to the deeply entertaining universe that Tennant and Davies built.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

HomeCast for the Week of July 15, 2010

This week in HomeCast, you'll find out about new interactive items and learn how item limits work so you'll know what you can add to your personal spaces. Plus tips for new users on where to find some free furniture in the Seaside of Memories and Assassins' Creed public spaces.

By request, I've added an audio player, so you can listen directly from the browser on your PS3!

Download HomeCast.

There's always room for improvement, so be sure to let me know what you think, or if there are features you would like me to add.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

HomeCast for July 8, 2010

In this week's HomeCast, find out about two new personal spaces, learn how to watch YouTube in Home and get the latest info on the aspect ratio bug.

Listen to HomeCast for July 8, 2010.

Two things didn't make the cut in this week's podcast.
  1. New Feva Shirts are available at the kiosk under the New tab in Central Plaza, but they're all returning an error message, so you can't buy them yet. That should be fixed by Thursday's update.
  2. Check the Mall window while you're in Central Plaza for a preview of the new Pool Tables that are coming for personal spaces.
Want to know when the next HomeCast is online? Friend me on Facebook!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

HomeCast for July 1, 2010

A shade over five minutes and much improved audio in this week's HomeCast!

This week--
  • Get to Central Plaza by July 4 for limited time rewards
  • An overview of the new pay-to-play Midway space
  • A bug fix for SDTV users who can't jump on Andy's Bed or get Darla's Den from the Midway
Thanks go out to Homeboy79 and McRoddec for their research help this week. A special thanks to JoseOmatic for discovering the SDTV fix. I totally forgot to include that in this week's script. For more details on the fix, check out this thread in the PlayStation Forums.

Monday, June 28, 2010

So I've had this idea for a while. Wouldn't it be cool if you could find out about everything that's new or interesting in PlayStation Home without being on the PlayStation Network? Wouldn't it be fun if you could get all the insider tricks without wading through all the posts on the PlayStation Forums? Wouldn't you love to just get home, log in and know exactly what to do?

That's what HomeCast is all about. This five-minute podcast updates what's in the latest release, offers some gameplay tips and secrets and even has some tips for new users.

Listen to the HomeCast Beta.

Like all betas, this isn't done yet, and I'm counting on you for feedback. What do you like? What would you change? Should I spend more time on some things and less time on others?

There are only three things that aren't flexible:
  1. The time (I want to keep this short and the file size small).
  2. My voice
  3. The lack of a pop filter on my microphone (hey, I'm recording this in my home office; if it takes off, I'll buy a Sennheiser)
Leave a comment below or drop me a message on the PSN Forums, ID: HearItWow.